Tuesday, February 9, 2010

V is for Vandalism

V is for Vandalism

The dictionary defines vandalism as the deliberate damaging of things, especially public property. I always thought vandalism was things like smashing a window or stealing tires from a car. I never thought I would do anything like that.

It is amazing how an innocent act such as writing and doodling in someone’s book can progress into something like writing on the bathroom stalls. That’s how it all started. We were writing back and forth, and it started to get out of hand. When you write something that you mean as a joke, it can really hurt someone’s feelings, even if they pretend to laugh at it. Also if someone is hurting your feelings and they won’t stop, then tell an adult or teacher. Just remember how would you feel if it happened to you?

It started off as a joke, but then it started hurting my feelings, so I started writing back. After that I thought it would stop, but it didn’t, it got worse. Then it moved onto the bathroom stalls. After I did it, I knew I shouldn’t have, but I was mad. By the end of the day I felt terrible. When we got called to the Mrs. Gallagher’s office, I knew something was going on and it was about me. I had to tell the truth, it would make me feel better, but I would still have to face the consequences.

Life Lesson: At the time this happened I had no idea it was an act of vandalism, but I see that now. How quickly things can get out of control, you need to think before you act.


  1. Nice post Hayley!! I think we should've never done that but it sure made a nice story to tell!

  2. Really nice post Hayley. A nice topic to issue out. I agree with you on everything here. Just a simple thing can become a bigger problem and can hurt many people's feelings. That's why I'm careful about these kind of things. I like how you explained in your situation how you didn't mention anyone names. I think that would've hurt them if you did. Keep it up!

    Emma S.
